Internet of Things - Basics

By: Dr. S Ravikumar, Dr. D Kavitha

Price: 349 INR

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ISBN 9788195499922
Bind Paperback
Pages 242
Publisher Flying Hands Publications

The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm promises to make “things” including consumer electronic devices or home appliances, such as medical devices, fridge, cameras, and sensors, part of the Internet environment. This paradigm opens the doors to new innovations that will build novel type of interactions among things and humans, and enables the realization of smart cities, infrastructures, and services for enhancing the quality of life and utilization of resources. The phrase “Internet of Things” (IoT) alludes to the billions of physical devices connected to the Internet in order to exchange raw data and analyze the information. By collecting data from these devices and analyzing them, IoT makes the devices smarter, and the processes more efficient. IoT can bring endless opportunities to every aspect of our lives. For example, in a city environment, insights gained from that collected data can be used to manage resources and services more efficiently, leading to creating the concept of smart city. The city is smart, if it is connected. In a connected city, the traffic and transportation systems are managed more efficiently, the quality of urban services are improved, the performance of processes are enhanced, the consumption of resources are optimized, and the cost of services are reduced.